Stardate 5473.2
Chief Medical Officer's log
USS Faile, Lt B'Koth reporting for Doctor Roland
Two days ago, while on a patrol mission in the Gamma Orionas Sector, the Faile encountered an unusual distortion in the subspace field around a D class planet we were investigating. Captain Soloth ordered a full stop and a full investigation of the anomaly. It was found that the anomaly extended from low orbit of the planet through the upper atmosphere and down to the surface of the planet. The Captain, being the inquisitive Vulcan he is, ordered an away team to don EVAC suits and board a shuttle to the surface. Doctor Roland was among the team as was the Captain, Chief Engineer and head of Security. The shuttle launched from the shuttle bay, started to the surface and we lost contact with them as they entered the area around the anomaly. The last message we received from Captain Soloth was a broken up message about the structural integrity field of the shuttle going down and the hull was buckling.
The 1st officer tried to get a transporter lock on the on the inhabitants of the shuttle and transport them directly to sickbay. The only thing we got in sickbay was the lower torso and one leg of Doctor Roland, and the head and shoulders of the Security Chief. The shuttle was lost to sensors and believed crashed, though we have no proof.
I performed an autopsy on what was left of our crew members to try to determine what had gone wrong. Other than the obvious, the bodies seemed to have been distorted at the cellular level. I will need further study to determine what exactly happened to our shuttle and its occupants when it entered the distortion. Lt. B'Koth out."
That was the last transmission that Starfleet received from the Faile on April 7, 2268.
"Stardate 86264.8
Captain Selenia reporting
Commanding Officer; USS Erbrus
Today I finished the first mission assigned to me by Section 31. Unfortunatly, they don't exist, so this really never happened. I am finding it hard to believe it did, even though I was there. We were given orders to slingshot around the star in the Traelus System. That is the same star we used when we worked for Agent Franklin Drake and Section 31 a few months ago when we had to deal with the Devidian crisis. The destination and time were different this time, as we headed to Gamma Orionas in the mid 2200's. Our orders were to render any aid we could, up to and including evacuation, to any Starfleet ship from that era or ours that might be in orbit around a pretty plain class D planet. However, if the ship was too heavily damaged, we were to save any crew we could and destroy the ship.
Imagine my surprise when we dropped out of warp and immediately picked up a distress call from a Constitution class ship called the USS Faile. I had my science officer check Starfleet records for that ship only to find that it was lost with all hands on April 7th, 2268. It was presumed destroyed by a subspace anomaly. And wouldn't you know it, the Faile was being held in a subspace tractor field eminating from the surface of the planet, She was also under attack.
I immediately ordered my Defiant Class's cloak engaged, and hit maximum impulse to engage the automated ship attacking the Faile. As I got close, I powered my forward heavy cannons and waited until the ship made it's attack run at the Faile. When it dropped it's cloak, I dropped mine, fired everything I had and destroyed the probe.
Remembering that the defense system would launch another probe shortly, I ordered a very quick scan of the Faile and locked onto any lifesign I could find in the ship. I transported all survivors to sickbay, destroyed the Faile with my forward Quantum Torpedos, cloaked, and warped out as quickly as possible. We went back to the star and slingshotted back to our time.
Captain's Log, supplemental
As soon as we were safe, I went to sickbay to see the survivors and try to explain to them what just happened, where and when I came from and exactly where they are now.
When I reached sick bay, the only thing to survive the last attack and our transport out was a Klingon Medic, one Lt B'Koth. He was really unhappy to see he was saved by a Romulan, but he got over it quick when I explained what had happened. According to him, the Faile lost it's Captain, Medical Officer and Security Chief in the hours that led up to us finding them in the situation they were in. It seems that the defense mechanism disguised itself as a subspace distortion and attacked when a shuttle was launched to the planet's surface. It took the mechanism about 2.5 hours and three automated probes to completely take down the Faile. Had we not arrived when we did, I don't think we would have even been able to save Lt. B'Koth. Somehow, I think that was the plan Franklin and Section 31 had all along, only one survivor. I am now transporting a very shell shocked Lt. B'Koth to the secret starbase Mariner 10, where I will turn him over to Admiral Bailey for debriefing, and await new orders from Section 31. I can't say I am happy about my reassignment here, but if it helps the Federation in the war with the Klingons, I am bound by duty to do it."
To be continued....